Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Some customers in a bookstore are looking for their favorite author. Some are looking for a particular genre' of book. But there are those who just want to read a good book.

It is that last category that I, as an "unknown author", want to target. What is the first thing the customer notices? The COVER! A well-designed cover is the key to getting a potential customer to pick the book up. Next, he reads the synopsis. If that grabs him, the sale is made!

The cover is a psychological tool. It first "tells" the customer that it is more than likely of the genre' he is looking for. The color and style of the artwork forms an impression too. Is it a real photo? Is it a painting? (I can spot a Harlequin Romance at ten feet!) Is it just color, with the title in a contrasting shade?

All these styles lead a customer into picking up a particular book. If the synopsis catches his interest, then the cover did its job.

The cover shown on my website, http://www.freewebs.com/brew99/
is not officially the real cover yet, but it was submitted to the publisher as a possibility. It is an original watercolor by my wife, Rebalynn. I believe that it is just different enough to stand out on that long rack of books!


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