Since the official release date of Feb. 6, 2006 Keechie has received several very good reviews on Amazon. The most recent one was from a fellow PublishAmerica author, but was totally unsolicited (Scout's Honor!)
'Keechie' is a series of stories that tell about two cultures that come together under most extrordinary circumstances. A young boy growing up during the 1940' and 1950's meets a woman of mixed Creek Indian and Black heritage (Keechie) who had been forced, not by her own choice, into a hermit's way of life. As the stories progress, Keechie's knowledge of past cultures and practices are transferred to the young boy. This wonderful woman who had been locked in her own cell of history gains new knowledge of the present from her new young friend. Cultures merge as each one benefits from the other. And, by the way, so does the reader benefit.
'Keechie' demonstrates the author's depth of knowledge and breadth of understanding of Native American culture as he expertly intertwines his own memories, knowledge of local lore and historical fact with his outstanding ability for expository writing. Writing dialect is difficult, but Phil Whitley makes it seem simple. 'Keechie' is classified as Historical Fiction, but it is very evident that there is more truth in this book than there is fiction.
'Keechie' is a book that transcends the gap between local lore, superstition, present realities and old memories. This book is a great read for both adults and young people. Anyone who misses a chance to read 'Keechie' misses out on a truly great reading experience.
Review by Jim Elders, author of Flatwoods and Lighterknots ISBN: 1-4137-8737-1
I ordered a copy of his book, Flatwoods and Lighterknots, and found it to be a great read, so coming from an author who writes about the same time period as Keechie, and is such a talented writer, it was especially rewarding to get such a great review from him.